June 25, 2009

Another Ode to Summer

How many odes have been written to summer?
Too many, I’m certain.
The winter is the cranky old man down the street
who just won’t die.
Spring is a flirt, tentative and unsure.
Then next we know, the pools are full
of pale-skinned, loose-limbed, screaming, little monsters.
The cicadas’ screeching drone fills the air
The fireflies wink in the twilight
Every evening show (reruns anyway) is broken
by the desperate, repetitive warnings of the weather man.
The nights are cracked with thunder.
How many days have we hidden in air conditioned rooms
and written metaphors about the wall of heat
and the woolen blanket of humidity?
Too many, I’m certain.
We memorialize baseball games and bad hotdogs,
family reunions and drunk uncles,
camping trips and whatever bit who this time.
As if all the long year we have waited,
impatiently tapping our foot for green, wild summer.
And now that it is here we fling ourselves upon it
determined play as hard as we work.
At least, until we notice how damned hot it is,
and hide indoors instead.
How many of us have forgotten what summer is?
Forgotten how live without chilled beer,
hot showers in cold rooms,
movies on cable and televised sports?
Too many, I’m certain.
Summer isn’t here for our amusement.
And it doesn’t care for odes or sonnets.
Summer is doing its job, ripening the earth,
Making the dogs lazy, the squirrels fat, and the bunnies multiply,
So old man winter can take pot shots at them
with his well-oiled twenty-two.

1 comment:

wolfie185 said...

"of pale-skinned, loose-limbed, screaming, little monsters." Oh you hater of children :-D
Nice poem rather ranting in a Beatnik way which is fine with me.
I like the last line also, "So old man winter can take pot shots at them with his well-oiled twenty-two."

BTW I am moving to Lincoln in a few weeks, hopefully I will find a job in one of the drug and alcohol treatment centers or a halfway house for alcoholics and addicts. I am tired of working in a negative enviroment and want a job where I can use my talents for the good and give something back to society, finally making a move towards Right Livelihood, I also will start going to the Lotus Temple for official Dharma training and stop flying solo via my books and bloggers.
